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Core Overview

The Geroscience Technology Core (GTC), led by Changhan David Lee and Simon Melov, will provide vouchers for access to a range of technology platforms and deep expertise in many aspects of aging. This will include access to all existing institutional technology and expertise across various model systems at both institutions. Unique capabilities include studies of air pollution exposure, female reproductive aging, and cutting-edge technologies for single-cell analyses, mitochondria and metabolism, and bioinformatics.

The GTC provides vouchers for access to a range of technology platforms and deep expertise in many aspects of aging. This will include access to all existing institutional technology and expertise across various model systems at both institutions. Unique capabilities include studies of air pollution exposure, female reproductive aging, and cutting-edge technologies for single-cell analyses, mitochondria and metabolism, and bioinformatics.

  • Provide access to well-developed technology platforms including ovarian aging biology, mitochondrial function, single cell sequencing analysis, mouse functional aging, aging proteomics, artificial intelligence driving bioinformatics, and others;
  • Mentor new geroscience researchers in a variety of model systems: single cell – yeast; invertebrates – worm and flies; vertebrates – mouse and African Turquoise Killifish;
  • Leverage the combined expertise of the USC and Buck Faculty and staff to entice new investigators into the biology of aging field;
  • Incentivize new, creative, and innovative collaborations between USC, Buck and outside faculty.

Core Leaders

Changhan David Lee

GTC Core Lead, The USC Leonard Davis School

Simon Melov

GTC Core Lead, The Buck Institute